I’ll show you my tips for On Page SEO for beginners and new websites that took several of my articles to first page of Google, even though I had a very small website at the time. And I’m outranking much better-known websites.
First I’ll take you through a checklist that you should keep close when you write an article.
Then I’ll explain how to write a high-quality content step by step. And in the end, I’ll show you an example of my keyword research & topic ideation process for new articles.
Links to Brian Dean from Backlinko Youtube & SEO Blog:
Alright, in general I like to categories SEO in 3 different categories. On-page SEO, Technical SEO & Off-site SEO. Technically on-page SEO includes technical SEO, but I think they are very different from each other so I like to keep them separate.
In this video, we will take a look specifically at the on-page SEO and content that ranks. So text & rich media which you have to have to rank high on Google. There other 2 categories I’ll cover in separate videos.
This SEO video in summary:
– Make your keyword first words in TITLE TAG
– Short URLs
– Include modifiers in your title
– Make sure your MAIN TITLE has h1 heading
– Use multimedia a lot
– Utilize h2, h3, h4 headings
– Mention your keyword in the first 100 words
– Use outbound links
– Use internal links
– Check that you’ve include enough LSI keywords
– Compress images
– Write long articles
– Concentrate on niches and long tail keywords
– Think what user expect to see
– Skyscraper
– User first mentality